The Rannapungerja youth camp is located by the shores of Lake Peipsi in the village of Lemmaku, Tudulinna parish, nestled beautifully along the curves of the Rannapungerja River and surrounded by a picturesque pine forest.

The camp's three buildings and sauna are situated on a 3-hectare area where the main activities of the camp take place. The sleeping quarters consist of ten 4-bed rooms.

The renovated dining hall can accommodate up to 50 children at once.  The hall in recreation building intended for dance evenings, table tennis, and other indoor activities and events. Additionally, the recreation building contains living quarters for the camp director, an office, and a classroom. 

A bonfire area is situated between the sauna and the camp buildings for organizing bonfire evenings. Near the buildings, there is an adventure trail with a climbing wall.

The camp provides medical supervision, and if needed, a doctor can be summoned to the camp by phone from the nearest health center. 

In total, the Rannapungerja camp occupies 25 hectares of land, including a small beach area along the river bend. The nearest settlement, Tudulinna, is 7 km away. The camp staff has undergone necessary training.